Breathing Techniques for Running with Asthma: A Marathon Runner's Journey to Overcoming Challenges

Jul 24, 2023


Running with asthma can be a daunting task, but as a marathon runner who has had asthma since birth, I have learned effective breathing techniques to conquer these obstacles. Today, I will share my personal experiences and three vital breathing techniques that have helped me succeed as an athlete with asthma. Whether you are a seasoned runner or just starting your fitness journey, these techniques can significantly improve your running experience with asthma. Plus, I have a free gift for you at the end of this post to help you achieve your fitness goals despite having asthma.

Understanding Asthma and Running

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that affects the airways in the lungs. When triggered, the airways become inflamed and narrow, making breathing difficult. As an athlete with asthma, I know how frustrating it can be to face breathing challenges while running. However, with determination and the right techniques, you can overcome these hurdles and enjoy your runs to the fullest.

Technique 1: Slow Down Your Breathing

One of the most crucial techniques I've learned as a runner with asthma is to slow down my breath while running. When asthma symptoms begin to surface, it's essential to consciously focus on your breathing pace and deliberately slow it down. By doing so, you allow your body to adjust, reducing the feeling of panic and allowing you to maintain control during your run.

Slowing down your breathing not only aids in managing asthma symptoms but also helps you maintain a steady pace and rhythm during your runs. Many runners, especially those with asthma, tend to push themselves to keep up with a fast pace, but it's essential to prioritize your breathing to prevent asthma attacks and enjoy a more relaxed running experience.

Technique 2: Deep Breaths for More Oxygen 

Taking deep breaths while running with asthma is a game-changer. Running demands increased oxygen intake, and deep breaths help fulfill this need, enhancing your lung capacity and reducing the impact of asthma symptoms.

As an athlete with asthma, I focus on inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly during my runs. This rhythmic breathing not only improves my lung function but also provides a sense of calm and control. Additionally, deep breathing helps reduce the buildup of mucus in the airways, which is a common challenge for individuals with asthma.

Remember, oxygen is essential for optimal athletic performance, and by incorporating deep breathing into your running routine, you can achieve better endurance and enhanced overall performance.

Technique 3: Locomotive Breathing for Improved Focus

Locomotive breathing is a powerful technique that has been a game-changer for me during my runs. This technique involves adopting a loud and rhythmic breathing pattern, similar to the sound of a train ("choo-choo"). While it may seem obnoxious at first, locomotive breathing helps divert your focus from asthma symptoms to your breath, enabling you to stay more relaxed and concentrated during your run.

By engaging in locomotive breathing, you create a strong connection between your breathing pattern and running rhythm. This synchronization not only improves your focus but also optimizes your running performance.

Safety First: Always Be Prepared

Before embarking on any run, especially as an athlete with asthma, safety should be your top priority. Always ensure you have your inhaler with you and inform someone about your route and estimated return time. This precautionary measure ensures that you have support readily available in case of any asthma-related emergencies.

Consult a Healthcare Professional

While the breathing techniques I've shared have been transformative in my life as a runner with asthma, it's essential to consult your healthcare provider or medical doctor before incorporating any new breathing techniques or exercise routines into your lifestyle. Everyone's asthma is unique, and what works for one individual may not work for another. 

Running with asthma can be challenging, but with dedication and the right techniques, it is entirely possible to enjoy a fulfilling and rewarding running experience. Slow down your breathing, focus on deep breaths, and try locomotive breathing to stay focused and calm during your runs.

Always prioritize safety, have your inhaler with you, and inform someone about your running plans. Remember to consult your healthcare provider to ensure that your asthma management plan aligns with your specific needs.

As an athlete with asthma, I can attest that with perseverance and the right strategies, you can achieve your fitness goals and thrive in the world of running. Don't let asthma hold you back; embrace the journey and conquer your aspirations on the track or trail.

Thank you for reading, and I hope these breathing techniques empower you on your running journey. As a token of appreciation, I have prepared a free gift for you. Click the link below to access a practical guide to achieving your fitness goals, even with asthma.

Stay strong, breathe freely, and keep running towards your dreams!



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