$597.00 USD

SPECIAL OFFER: Complete your purchase by adding my 7 Days of Meals and Movement eBook to your order for only $17!

In this eBook you'll:

  • Get access to 7 days of protein-centered recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner that are easy to make even with a busy schedule.
  • Get access to 7 days of movement that I do to not only be a high-performing ultra-athlete with asthma, but also keep my weight steady and thrive in my life.
  • Learn my "Pro Tips" on how I use meals and movement to supercharge myself with energy to live life to the fullest.

I teach this to my 1-on-1 clients for $250 per session.

Drop 30 and Keep It Off (Lifetime Access)

Get INSTANT access to Drop 30 and Keep It Off including:

  • All 8 core Drop 30 and Keep It Off video modules with my simple step-by-step process to start losing weight today ($5,000 value)
  • Personalized coaching via video and text to guide you, keep you accountable, and answer all of your questions along the way ($2,500 value)
  • BONUS TRAINING: Healthy Living and Longevity - Discover research and resources from MDs, PhDs, entrepreneurs, and athletes about how to live a longer and healthier life by taking control of your life every single day. ($500 value)
  • Immediate and Lifetime Access (priceless)

Total Value = $8,000


Drop 30 and Keep It Off comes with a no-questions-asked 90-day 100% money-back guarantee.

Go ahead - go through the course, check out the bonus training, follow the steps, put in the work, and if you don’t love it in the first 90 days of your purchase, send me an email and I'll refund you immediately. No questions asked, no hard feelings. If you aren't happy, I don't deserve your money. It's that simple.